Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 2010 Update - Xtraction, Woodstock FF, Lionsgate, Middle Men Trailer

Dear friends, family, fans and non-believers -

It's that time of month again.. No, not Aunt Flo's arrival. Time for a Raj Suri update! For those who care, keep reading!

First off, I'd like to announce a new booking! I was recently cast in Xtraction - a short film being produced by SunCast Entertainment and directed by Marco Santiago Jr. Xtraction is an action-thriller set in Mexico and deals with organ trafficking. That's pretty heavy stuff. The cool part for me is that my role has a fight scene which is requiring me to get training in Krav Maga by the good folks at Total Submission Fighting Systems. Can you say Chuck Suri? Or Raj Norris? Xtraction is cast by Helen McCready.

In other news, Tia and Marco will be screening at the Woodstock Film Festival in NYC. Congrats to director Annie Howell! Details on the screening are here.
More congrats are in order to Sean Sinerius who won the Lionsgate filmmaker competition and will be directing the project, Wrong Guys for the Job. Sean was rightfully awarded the job for his creative pitch and his winning scene entry below.

Finally, the official Middle Men trailer has been released on iTunes. You can check it out here! Look for my boy, Daved Wilkins, at the 0:58 mark looking salaciously at the fine women walking by! Middle Men opens up nationwide on August 6th!

Well, thanks for reading! For next month's update, I'm hoping to unveil a new website, comedy reel and commercial reel!

Thanks for the support!

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