Sunday, May 11, 2008

Data Center Chronicles

So, earlier this week, went live. The website is a part of a marketing campaign for Brocade Communications. The website contains 4 different "webisodes", called the Data Center Chronicles, centering around the ideas of 3 employees about their ideal day off. I play their hard-ass boss. Of course, consistent with most IT bosses, my performance comes complete with a highly exaggerated Indian accent. I'm going to have to remind people that I am capable of giving a decent performance WITHOUT the indian accent. LOL..

The project was a lot of fun to shoot. The actors involved had a lot of fun together filming this thing and the director/creative team were really good about letting us improv on set which is always fun. The webisodes were directed by Amer Tadayon who runs a company called Render Films Digital Studios. Render Films has got offices in both Scottsdale and LA. They've got a lot of cool and exciting projects in their pipeline and I can say, unequivocally, that the Phoenix market is very fortunate to have guys of this caliber in this town.

On a personal level, I'm fairly excited about the Data Center Chronicles. I've been involved in some feature projects that have distribution and are available via mainstream outlets like Netflix and Amazon. But, from an exposure point of view, the Data Center Chronicles offers the most potential of all the extraordinary projects I've worked on. So, yeah, I was fairly pumped when this site came out. :) So, if you haven't checked it out, please go to And, if you genuinely enjoy the webisode, please use the feedback link in the lower right corner of the page and say so! :)

Other actors in this project:

James Ryan
Cathy Rankin
Nick Heaney
Cait Thompson
Doug Cook

Monday, May 5, 2008

Pubfilms.. working with Dynamic..

Just wanted to check in with you guys.. so, first off, you may have noticed that I'm up for the spokesperson for a website called Pubfilms - which is fairly interesting in that I wasn't even able to make the audition! LOL.. Back to that in a moment. Pubfilms is an interesting site. It was started by some local filmmakers who I worked with a while ago. Here's a video clip of some work I did for them (shameless plug.. but hey, this is my blog). Anyhow, pubfilms is a site that's trying to go to a business model in which the public funds movies. And, in doing so, the public votes on the different aspects of the movie. It's a fairly interesting concept. Basically, the users of the site vote on casting, scripts, music score, etc based on uploaded material. They've done a pretty good job securing funding so it'll be interesting to see the site once it leaves beta.

So, recently, they had an audition to be a spokesperson of their site. They recorded each audition and uploaded it to their site for voting. I actually missed the audition because I was shooting something else. But, a long time ago, I was helping the guys out in testing the site and in doing so, I uploaded an older copy of my demo reel. Well, the guys at pubfilms added my reel to the spokesperson competition without me knowing! As of this writing, I think I'm in 3rd place! So, if you would be so kind as to vote for me, I'd really appreciate it! You can vote for me at http://beta. pubfilms. com/submissions/view/15 .

In other news, I just participated in another 48 Hour Film Challenge. I worked with D+NA. Man, these guys are a ton of fun to work with.. oh, and I just saw the final cut of the film. they're friggin talented too. I've been a big fan of these guys work since I was first aware of them. The guys work hard and they FINISH what they start - an actor's dream! Anyhow, The final cut screens this Thurs, 5/8. I'll send the details out when I get them!

Finally, I've been playing with animated gifs. I thought it'd be cool to have different anitmated gif files as my profile picture on myspace. Check it out here:

This is a video clip from a short I did in another film challenge called Help Wanted. I'm thinking about creating a few animated gifs from some of my other projects and using it as my myspace profile pic. FYI, Help Wanted is among the best projects that I've ever worked on. For those of you who've missed it, you can check it out below... later gators..