Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Middle Men, Red Corvette, DCC, other updates...

First things, first.  I had a really cool experience recently.  I was able to land a featured role in the film, Middle Men (IMDB).  It's a comedy starring Luke Wilson and Giovanni Ribisi about the genesis of the online porn industry.  Being on this set was really quite the experience as it was by far the highest budget film that I've been on - $15M if you believe IMDB.  Kind of crazy when you think that there some actors that make more than that on a film!  I have a nice little role in this movie which might get about 3 seconds screen time.  It's a nice little reaction shot and hopefully it won't get cut in the final version! :)  I was cast as the masturbating Pakistani terrorist.  Not so sure it's a good thing that everyone was saying how believable my performance was after the shoot.  Perhaps that's a complement? The movie is slated to be released in May of 2009.  I'm not sure if it will get a theatrical release as it is an independent film but it's gone some big names in the movie so I'm hoping it will!

This little "Bollywood shot", as my friend Meera Patel calls it, was taken on the set of Red Corvette.  Red Corvette is an anti-drug independent film.  Naturally, I play the cocky, drug selling, egomaniac named Larry.  I was pretty fortunate to get cast on this project.  I had auditioned for Larry thinking he was a day player but he turned out to be a fairly substantial character in this movie.  Turned out to be a nice change of pace from the characters that I typically get cast as... doctors.. terrorists.. The movie was directed by Brenton Covington of Dynamic Film.  Just check out his IMDB page to see how awesome this guys is.. 'Nuff said.  I believe the movie was funded by a local church and I think the plans are to maybe have it broadcast on Christian-based TV channels.  But, I'm not sure about that..  Oh, and ladies, I have a shirtless scene in the movie.. (I can see the DVD pre-order sales going through the roof right about now.)  Here are some of my production stills.

In other news, some time ago I shared with you guys the web series I was in called Data Center Chronicles.  Recently, Render Films released an extended cut of the webisodes on their website.  Click here to check them out!

Last, but not least, I did an educational medical video on asthma.  That was really nice to work on because you know the videos will really be put to good use.  There will most likely be many of these types of videos made and if I ever do have anything that I am allowed to share with respect to that, I will definitely do so here.  I play a pediatrician in these videos.  I know..  scary.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Free blockbuster movies for a year

Hey folks! The good people over at PubFilms are offering free blockbuster movies for a year. Just take their movie quiz for a chance to win. Click below!